@misc{10481/81130, year = {2023}, month = {3}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/81130}, abstract = {The study sought to identify the cultural profile, beliefs and practices, attitude toward literacy education, and Agta problems and aspirations as an input for the Agta literacy program. Descriptive The profile variables were determined through research as an input to the literacy program to improve Agta's education. According to the findings, the Agta got their name from prominent people, their dialect is Upos, and they live in a simple and temporary shelter. Furthermore, the male Agta served as the family's head and provider, while the female Agta assisted with child rearing and housekeeping. They prefer to eat foods found in their environment and spend their leisure time bonding with their fellow Agta and chewing betel nuts, momma, or nganga. The Agta, on the other hand, have a rich cultural heritage regarding the stages of life such as conception, childbirth, child rearing, courtship, marriage, and death and burial. The majority of Agta are illiterate. They demonstrated a positive and extremely favorable attitude toward literacy education. Agta has concerns and desires, particularly regarding their children's education. It was also discovered that stakeholders and the Local Government Unit support Agta education, so implementing a literacy program for Agta to improve their education is highly recommended.}, publisher = {Universidad de Granada}, keywords = {Agta}, keywords = {Cultural Profile}, keywords = {Beliefs and Practices}, keywords = {Attitude Towards Literacy Education}, keywords = {Problems and Aspirations}, title = {Literacy Program to Improve the Education of the Agta}, doi = {10.47750/jett.2023.14.01.028}, author = {Luna, Gabriel L.}, }