@misc{10481/80484, year = {2022}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/80484}, abstract = {The aim of this project is to develop a product dedicated to switching lighting systems in the automotive industry. It is composed of three different blocks: the development of the hardware necessary to generate the channel commutation and its control, the firmware for the communication and control of the hardware components, and a mechanical structure dedicated to hold the electronics parts. The complexity and multidisciplinary scope of this Master’s Thesis covers , the different specialties from the master’s degree in Industrial Electronics besides knowledge and skills from other engineering fields such as mechanics and software engineering. Advanced techniques from mechanics , manufacturing or simulation had been applied as well as low-level programming development. The results of this project ends with a complete and functional system, that achieves the requirements exposed at the beginning and ends with the university master stage.}, organization = {Universidad de Granada. Máster en Electrónica Industrial. Trabajo Fin de Máster. Curso académico 2021/2022}, publisher = {Universidad de Granada}, keywords = {Altium Designer}, keywords = {Automotive}, keywords = {SolidWorks}, keywords = {EDA}, keywords = {Electronics}, keywords = {SDCC}, keywords = {MCU}, keywords = {PCB Design}, keywords = {Python}, keywords = {CH559}, title = {Diseño de sistema de iluminación}, doi = {10.30827/Digibug.80484}, author = {Mazuecos Nogales, Álvaro}, }