@misc{10481/80481, year = {2022}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/80481}, abstract = {In this thesis we will use the PSO computational method to approxi- mate the magnetic field of different electronic elements from a satellite. We will inquire in the procedure used for measuring magnetic fields inside a Magnetic Coil Facility (MCF), and the work that has to be done prior to the measurements. Finally, we will discuss how precise this approximations are and where they are valid.}, abstract = {En este trabajo se usar´a el m´etodo computacional de PSO para aproximar los campos magneticos de diferentes dispositivos electr ´onicos. Se indagar´a en el procedimiento de medida de campos magneticos dentro de una celda de bobinas mangeticas (MCF), y el trabajo previo a la medida. Finalmente, se discutir´an como de precisas son estas aproximaciones y en que rango son v´alidas.}, title = {Measurement of magnetic moment of an electronic procuct using fluxgates 3D}, author = {Vegas Luque, Víctor}, }