@misc{10481/79536, year = {2022}, month = {6}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/79536}, abstract = {In this work, we studied the possibility of improving the quality of teaching-learning of physical sciences (electricity and mechanics) that take place at ISTA/Kinshasa through the integration of computer simulators. For this, we based ourselves on the initial results of the research questionnaire that we distributed to all teachers of this subject in our host institution. We sought to understand their opinions on how the teaching-learning process of physical sciences is carried out in their institute. The analysis of the results of this questionnaire showed that the major problem that hinders the quality of the teaching-learning process of electricity and mechanics is the complexity of carrying out practical work with regard to the different physical phenomena. Moreover, this analysis has shown that it is possible to improve the quality of teaching-learning of electricity and mechanics at ISTA/Kinshasa by using computer simulators. This palliative solution to the absence of practical work in the teaching of physical sciences would compensate for the lack of equipment necessary for this training.}, publisher = {Universidad de Granada}, keywords = {ICT}, keywords = {Technological innovation}, keywords = {Computer simulators}, keywords = {ISTA/Kinshasa}, title = {Towards The Integration of Computer Simulators in The Teaching of Physical Sciences in Drc: Case of Ista / Kinshasa}, doi = {10.47750/jett.2022.13.02.004}, author = {N'djoli, Jacques and Benabdelouahab, Farid and Zerhane, Rajae and Janati Idrissi, Rachid}, }