@misc{10481/78848, year = {1982}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/78848}, abstract = {In 1935, drawing on the arcliival research that eventually resulted in his «La cultura catalana durant el regnat de Jaume 11)) (awarded the Premi Francesc Vives in 1936 by the Institut d'Estudis Catalans), Father Martí de Barcelona published two contriburions of the first importance to tlie biography of Arnau de Vilanova: first, a set of 43 previously unedited documents from the Archivo de la Corona de Aragón (ACA) rnaking reference to Arnau's career; then, a ((Regesta de documents arnaldians coneguts)), summarizing the contents of these and 135 other texts kno~rn to bear on Arnau's activities (1). Nearly fifty years later, relatively few documents have been discovered that should be added to Father Martí's list, showing how extensive were the archival investigations into Arnau's career carried on during the Catalonian renaissance of the early twentieth century. A new version of the ((Regesta)) today would add only a few recent publications of archival materials (2) and a tiny number of earlier references overlooked by Father Martí (3).}, publisher = {Universidad de Granada}, title = {Further documents for the biography of Arnau de Vilanova}, author = {McVaugh, Michael R.}, }