@misc{10481/78492, year = {2022}, month = {12}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/78492}, abstract = {La presente investigación analiza los perfiles y trayectorias resilientes de 327 estudiantes que cursaron el grado de educación primaria en la Universidad de Málaga durante los cursos 2018/2019, 2019/2020, 2020/2021 y 2021/2022. Se ha llevado a cabo un estudio no experimental de corte cuantitativo descriptivo y exploratorio cuyo objetivo principal ha sido analizar la resiliencia del alumnado del grado en educación primaria de la Universidad de Málaga. De los resultados obtenemos, por un lado, una perspectiva multidimensional de la resiliencia, por parte del alumnado, para superar las situaciones adversas; por otro lado, como la -emocionalidad positiva- es la característica en la que más se apoya al alumnado para superar las adversidades. En este sentido, y considerando que son pocos los estudios que hablan de esto, entendemos que debemos reconocer y potenciar los recursos resilientes del alumnado universitario con la intención de que pueda afrontar con éxito su formación.}, abstract = {Abstract: This research analyzes the profiles and resilient trajectories of 327 students who studied the degree of primary education at the University of Malaga during the courses 2018/2019, 2019/2020, 2020/2021 and 2021/2022. A non-experimental descriptive and exploratory quantitative study has been carried out whose main objective has been to analyze the resilience of students of the degree in primary education of the University of Malaga. From the results we obtain, on the one hand, a multidimensional perspective of resilience, on the part of the students, to overcome adverse situations; On the other hand, as the -positive emotionality- is the characteristic in which students are most supported to overcome adversity. In this sense and knowing that there are few studies that talk about this, we understand that we must recognize and enhance the resilient resources of university students with the intention that they can successfully face their training.}, organization = {Universidad de Málaga}, publisher = {Universidad de Granada}, keywords = {Formación docente}, keywords = {Teacher education}, title = {Miradas sobre la resiliencia de estudiantes universitarios noveles del grado de educación primaria de la Universidad de Málaga}, doi = {10.30827/Digibug.78492}, author = {Mañas Olmo, Moisés and Cortés González, Pablo and González Alba, Blas and Román Domínguez, Iracema}, }