@misc{10481/78251, year = {2022}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/78251}, abstract = {“Una descripción del paisaje, estando cargada de temporalidad, es siempre relato” (Calvino 1986). En esta cita está la hipótesis que se pretende sostener: el paisaje empieza a existir sólo cuando se tiene la capacidad de leer su estructura narrativa, de reconstruir sus tramas, de atribuir un valor semántico a los lugares. Es una perspectiva que establece dos cuestiones principales: la reciprocidad entre arquitectura y paisaje y la lectura como símbolo del contraste con la aridez cultural. Ambas cuestiones son la base del trabajo de Giancarlo De Carlo que siempre ha considerado prioritaria la relación entre la literatura (no sólo disciplinar) y la predisposición a leer la relación entre estructura espacial y contexto, topografía e identidad, forma urbis y genius loci. Una de las principales razones de su extraordinaria actualidad es precisamente haber demostrado que la lectura y el paisaje son un binomio inseparable.}, abstract = {“A landscape description, being filled of temporality, is always a story” (Calvino 1986). In this citation there is the hypothesis intended to be supported: the landscape only begins to exist when there is the ability to read its narrative structure, to reconstruct its plots, to attribute a semantic value to places. It is a perspective that opens up to two main issues: the reciprocity between architecture and landscape and reading as a symbol of contrast to the cultural aridity. Both issues underlie the work of Giancarlo De Carlo who has always considered the relationship between literature (not just disciplinary) and the predisposition to read the relation between spatial structure and context, topography and identity, forma urbis e genius loci as a priority. One of the main reasons for his extraordinary relevance consists precisely in having shown that reading and landscape are an inseparable binomial.}, publisher = {Abada Editores}, keywords = {Lectura}, keywords = {Paisaje}, keywords = {Descripción}, keywords = {Narración}, keywords = {Reading}, keywords = {Landscape}, keywords = {Description}, keywords = {Narration}, title = {Recuperar la lectura para comunicar el paisaje}, author = {Clemente, Antonio Alberto}, }