@misc{10481/78227, year = {2022}, month = {10}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/78227}, abstract = {Let T : X -> Y be a bounded linear operator between Banach spaces X, Y. A vector x(0) is an element of S-X in the unit sphere S-X of X is called a supporting vector of T provided that parallel to T(x(0))parallel to = sup{parallel to T(x)parallel to : parallel to x parallel to = 1} = parallel to T parallel to. Since matrices induce linear operators between finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, we can consider their supporting vectors. In this manuscript, we unveil the relationship between the principal components of a matrix and its supporting vectors. Applications of our results to real-life problems are provided.}, organization = {Spanish Government FEDER-UCA18-105867}, organization = {ERDF Operational Programme}, organization = {University of the Regional Government of Andalusia PGC-101514-B-I00}, publisher = {AIMS}, keywords = {Bounded linear operator}, keywords = {Hilbert space}, keywords = {Mean operator}, keywords = {Principal components}, keywords = {Supporting vector}, title = {Supporting vectors vs. principal components}, doi = {10.3934/math.2023100}, author = {Márquez, Almudena P. and Mengíbar Rodríguez, Míriam}, }