@misc{10481/77925, year = {2011}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/77925}, abstract = {Heterogeneity in group decision making problems has been recently studied in the literature. Some instances of these studies include the use of heterogeneous preference representation structures, heterogeneous preference representation domains and heterogeneous importance degrees. On this last heterogeneity level, the importance degrees are associated to the experts regardless of what is being assessed by them, and these degrees are fixed through the problem. However, there are some situations in which the experts’ importance degrees do not depend only on the expert. Sometimes we can find sets of heterogeneously specialized experts, that is, experts whose knowledge level is higher on some alternatives and criteria than it is on any others. Consequently, their importance degree should be established in accordance with what is being assessed. Thus, there is still a gap on heterogeneous group decision making frameworks to be studied. We propose a new fuzzy linguistic multi-criteria group decision making model which considers different importance degrees for each expert depending not only on the alternatives but also on the criterion which is taken into account to evaluate them.}, organization = {FUZZYLINGProject TIN200761079}, organization = {FUZZYLING-II Project TIN201017876}, organization = {PETRI Project PET20070460}, organization = {Andalusian Excellence Project TIC-05299}, organization = {project of Ministry of Public Works 90/07}, publisher = {Springer}, keywords = {Group decision making}, keywords = {Multi-criteria decision making}, keywords = {Heterogeneous decision frameworks}, keywords = {Linguistic approach}, title = {Modelling Heterogeneity among Experts in Multi-criteria Group Decision Making Problems}, author = {Pérez Gálvez, Ignacio Javier and Alonso Burgos, Sergio and Herrera Viedma, Enrique}, }