@misc{10481/77868, year = {1996}, month = {12}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/77868}, abstract = {Decomposable dependency models possess a number of interesting and useful proper- ties. This paper presents new characterizations of decomposable models in terms of in- dependence relationships, which are obtained by adding a single axiom to the well-known set characterizing dependency models that are isomorphic to undirected graphs. We also brie y discuss a potential application of our results to the problem of learning graphical models from data.}, organization = {Spanish Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tec- nología (CICYT) TIC96-0781}, publisher = {AI Access Foundation}, keywords = {Inteligencia artificial}, keywords = {Artificial intelligence}, title = {Characterizations of Decomposable Dependency Models}, doi = {10.1613/jair.329}, author = {Campos Ibáñez, Luis Miguel}, }