@misc{10481/75487, year = {2022}, month = {5}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/75487}, abstract = {This article proposes a comprehensive star rating approach for cruise ships by the combination of subject and objective evaluation. To do that, it firstly established a index system of star rating for cruise ships. Then, the modified TOPSIS is adopted to tackle objective data for obtaining star ratings for basic cruise indicators and service capabilities of cruise ships. Thus, the concept of distributed linguistic star rating function (DLSRF) is defined to analyze the subjective evaluation from experts and users. Hence, a novel weight calculation method with interactive group decision making is presented to assign the importance of the main indicators. Particularly, in order to enable decision makers to effectively deal with the uncertainty in this star rating process, it adopts the personalized individual semantics (PIS) model. Finally, data of nine cruise ships is collected to obtain their final star rating results and some suggestions for improving cruise service capabilities and star indicators were put forward.}, organization = {National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) 71971135,72001134,72071056 China Scholarship Council 202108310183 Innovative Talent Training Project of Graduate Students in Shanghai Maritime University of China 2021YBR006}, publisher = {MDPI}, keywords = {Cruise ships}, keywords = {Star rating approach}, keywords = {Group decision making}, keywords = {Interactive consensus reaching}, keywords = {TOPSIS}, keywords = {Personalizaed individual semantics}, title = {A Comprehensive Star Rating Approach for Cruise Ships Based on Interactive Group Decision Making with Personalized Individual Semantics}, doi = {10.3390/jmse10050638}, author = {Cao, Mingshuo and Fujita, Hamido}, }