@misc{10481/75204, year = {2022}, month = {4}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/75204}, abstract = {Land cover change in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s capital, is driven by recurring drought and the economic problems of society-initiated afforestation. The goal of this study was to learn about the state of woody species regeneration in Yeka’s urban forest patches. Thirty plots (20 m x 20 m in size) were sampled to identify plants for this purposE. All wooden trees with a height greater than 1.3 m in each plot were identified, enumerated, and their diameter were measured. Acacia decurrens was determined to be the predominant species, with an importance value index (IVI) of 161.09, followed by Acacia melanoxlon (IVI = 44.69). The bootstrapping PERMANOVA test was used to show how the species in the community overlapped. The result reveals that dissimilarity is low (p > 0.05), which is supported by the assumption of multivariate dispersion homogeneity. The area’s generalized linear model (GLM) showed all species statistically significant for characteristics associated with closure year and presence of mature trees and the entire closure year. Two of the twenty tree species, i.e., Acacia decurrens and Acacia melanoxylon were found in nearly equal numbers in all three growth stages as well as having strong regenerating potential. The rapid expansion of exotic Acacia spp. necessitates careful attention to their regeneration. To reinforce and improve ecosystem services, conservation and restoration efforts should encourage the regeneration of native plant species.}, publisher = {MDPI}, keywords = {Plantation}, keywords = {Pre-urban}, keywords = {Afforestation}, keywords = {Native species}, keywords = {Urban forests}, title = {Woody Species Diversity, Community Structure, and Regeneration Capacity in Central Ethiopian Urban Forest Patches}, doi = {10.3390/su14095164}, author = {Semu, Arayaselassie Abebe and Cariñanos González, Paloma}, }