@misc{10481/75117, year = {2022}, month = {4}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/75117}, abstract = {In this paper we study how to assess the performance of a group of individuals according to their achievements in several attributes or categories by means of a scoring system. Such an assessment is the composition of two steps. First, each individual obtains a partial score in each category (that may potentially depend on her opponents’ performance). And second, those partial scores are combined into a global assessment. The partial score in each attribute is upper bounded by an exogenous threshold or cap. Each problem is determined by four elements: a set of agents (or tenders), a set of attributes to be evaluated, a matrix of achievements that specified the score each agent has obtained in each attribute, and a vector of caps. By means of the axiomatic methodology, we identify the families of assessment functions that satisfy some natural requirements ( anonymity, continuity, monotonicity, null contribution, additivity , and separability ). Our findings state that these families are weighted averages of the attribute assessments. Finally, as an illustration, we analyze a public tender whose purpose was to carry out an accounts auditing of a public company. As a practical implication of our theoretical results, we show that truncation presents significant advantages with respect to other methods. Particularly, it avoids the exclusion paradox.}, organization = {MCIN/AEI PID2020-114309GB-I00}, organization = {ERDF A way of making Europe/EU PID2020-114309GB-I00}, organization = {Junta de Andalucia P18-FR-2933}, organization = {FEDER UGR A-SEJ-14-UGR20}, organization = {PAIDI SEJ660}, organization = {R&D&I project - MCIN/AEI PGC2018-097965-B-I00 R&D&I project - ERDF A way of making Europe/EU PGC2018-097965-B-I00}, organization = {Generalitat Valenciana}, organization = {European Commission}, organization = {General Electric PROMETEO/2021/063}, publisher = {Elsevier}, keywords = {Public procurement}, keywords = {Tender}, keywords = {Assessment}, keywords = {Scoring}, keywords = {Cap}, keywords = {Weighted average}, keywords = {Truncation}, keywords = {Proportionality}, title = {Assessments in public procurement procedures}, doi = {10.1016/j.omega.2022.102660}, author = {Martínez Rico, Ricardo and Sánchez Soriano, Joaquín and Llorca, Natividad}, }