@misc{10481/74408, year = {2022}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/74408}, abstract = {Esta tesis doctoral trata de atender a la forma en que los hombres y mujeres del mundo rural andaluz experimentaron la dictadura franquista, esto es, a sus múltiples vivencias subjetivas e individuales durante el periodo 1939-1979. Para ello, parte de la hipótesis de que quienes vivieron bajo el régimen de Franco albergaron actitudes sociopolíticas plurales y cambiantes hacia la dictadura. Las percepciones populares fueron mutando en función de las diferentes características y medidas que fue adoptando el franquismo, así como a lo largo de su dilatada existencia. De esta forma, un mismo individuo pudo sostener simultánea o sucesivamente actitudes consentidoras y disidentes respecto a distintas políticas y en distintos momentos de la dictadura. E incluso cuando se mostraron aquiescentes o resistentes no lo hicieron sin fisuras, sino que dejaron espacio para las “zonas grises”. En definitiva, se trata de rescatar la prácticas políticas e infrapolíticas que los habitantes “normales” pusieron en marcha en el transcurso de sus vidas cotidianas, sin perder de vista la complejidad y el dinamismo del sentir popular hacia el régimen.}, abstract = {This doctoral thesis focuses on the way in which men and women in rural Andalusia felt the Francoist dictatorship; that is to say, to consider their multiple subjective and individual experiences during this form of government ranging from 1939-1979. To do so, this study starts from the hypothesis that those who lived under the Franco regime had plural and dynamic socio-political attitudes towards the dictatorship, as popular perceptions were changing according to the different politics of Francoism, as well as throughout its prolonged existence. In this way, an individual citizen could have had simultaneously or successively consentual and dissenting attitudes towards the regime at different moments. Even when an individual showed acquiescence or resistance there could be fissures or changes, since there was space for “grey areas”. In short, this study deals with rescuing the political and infra-political practices that the “normal” Spanish people activated during their everyday life, without loosing sight of the fact that popular opinion towards the regime was complex and dynamic.}, organization = {Tesis Univ. Granada.}, publisher = {Universidad de Granada}, keywords = {Historia contemporánea}, keywords = {Franquismo}, keywords = {Vida cotidiana}, keywords = {Andalucía oriental}, title = {La vida cotidiana en el mundo rural de Andalucía oriental. Resistencias cotidianas, políticas del ‘consenso’, control socio-moral y aprendizaje democrático (1939-1979)}, author = {Román Ruiz, Gloria}, }