@misc{10481/73210, year = {1999}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/73210}, abstract = {Este artículo propone presentar el nuevo marco poético que Aba Kovner introdujoen la poesía Hebrea Moderna a través de su primer poema largo o "sinfonía", Hasta lo sinluz.Al analizar las diferentes facetas del poema, se intenta entender cómo surge este géneroespecial y cómo está su estructura ligada a su tema -el Holocausto- visto por la experienciade un partisano.}, abstract = {This article suggests a presentation of the new framework which Aba Kovnerintroduced in the Modem Hebrew Poetry with his fírst long poem, or "symphony", Untilthere is no more light. Through analyzing the different facets of the poem, we hope tounderstand how does this new type of poetry immerges, and how is its structure related toits theme -the Holocaust- view by the experience of a partisan.}, publisher = {Universidad de Granada}, keywords = {Aba Kovner}, keywords = {Partisano}, keywords = {Holocausto}, keywords = {Partisan}, keywords = {Holocaust}, title = {El poema partisano "Hasta lo sin-luz" (1947) de Aba Kovner, un género literario nuevo en la literatura hebrea modema}, author = {Abohav, Avihay}, }