@misc{10481/72844, year = {2021}, month = {6}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/72844}, abstract = {This article analyses the basic epistemology of biographical research methodology. This analysis is grounded on the life history of a Moroccan boy who entered Spain illegally, but after being processed by the juvenile justice system, became a social educator. Some methodological aspects of this case are examined, including biographical hermeneutics; the oftenconfused concepts of 'life story' and 'life history'; the main characteristics of the method, including the usually neglected vision of the 'other'; life as a process; and the idea of subject. The educational, ethical, and political dimensions analysed make visible counter-narratives that question the status quo and pursue social justice.}, abstract = {Este artículo analiza la epistemología básica de la metodología de investigación biográfica. Dicho análisis se sustenta empíricamente en la historia de vida de un joven marroquí que llegó a España de manera ilegal y tras un proceso de justicia juvenil se convirtió en educador social. Se examinan algunos aspectos metodológicos de este caso, incluyendo la hermenéutica biográfica; los conceptos ‘relato de vida’ e ‘historia de vida’, habitualmente confundidos; las principales características del método, incluyendo la visión del ‘otro’; la vida como proceso; y la idea de sujeto. Las dimensiones educativa, ética y política analizadas hacen visibles contranarrativas que cuestionan el estatus quo y persiguen la justicia social.}, publisher = {Universidad Nacional de La Plata}, keywords = {Social sciences}, keywords = {Biographical research methodology}, keywords = {Epistemology}, keywords = {Minorities}, keywords = {Social justice}, keywords = {Ciencias sociales}, keywords = {Metodología de investigación biográfica}, keywords = {Epistemología}, keywords = {Minorías}, keywords = {Justicia social}, title = {Basic epistemology of biographical research: a review based on the extraordinary life history of a young offender}, doi = {10.24215/18537863e086}, author = {Herrera Pastor, David}, }