@misc{10481/71779, year = {2021}, month = {9}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/71779}, abstract = {We think that this collection of papers illustrates the relevance and fruitfulness of a pragmatic-linguistic approach to the normative study of argumentation. As scholars working on such an approach, we can only thank the editors of Informal Logic for their enthusiastic reception of our proposal to produce this special volume. Finally, we also wish to thank the rigorous and inspiring work of not only the authors but also the generous reviewers of these papers, who have decisively contributed to increasing the interest of this promising line of research.}, publisher = {University of Windsor}, title = {Introduction to the Special Issue on Speech Acts and Argumentation}, doi = {10.22329/il.v41i3.6873}, author = {Bermejo Luque, Lilian and Moldovan, Andrei}, }