@misc{10481/70839, year = {2021}, month = {9}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/70839}, abstract = {The purpose of this paper is to explore the boundaries of a subset of the evaluative uses of language: offensive speech. More in particular, our goal is twofold. Firstly, we want to chart the relationship between context and evaluative utterances, as it stands in the current literature. Secondly, we focus on the experimental study of a particular interaction between contextual information and our evaluative claims –when the context is able to turn a seemingly descriptive utterance into an evaluative one. For this second purpose, we argue, certain recent positive proposals, in spite of their merit, come a bit short.}, abstract = {El propósito de este trabajo es explorar los límites de un subconjunto de los usos evaluativos del lenguaje: el discurso ofensivo. Nuestro objetivo es doble. Primero, introducimos la relación que hay entre el contexto y las proferencias evaluativas, tal y como puede rastrearse en la literatura reciente acerca de la cuestión. Segundo, nos centramos en el estudio experimental de una interacción particular entre la información contextual y nuestras afirmaciones evaluativas: cuándo el contexto es capaz de convertir una proferencia aparentemente descriptiva en una evaluativa. Para este segundo propósito, argumentamos, ciertas propuestas positivas recientes, a pesar de su mérito, son insuficientes.}, organization = {Spanish Ministry of Economy FFI2016-80088-P BES-2017-079933}, organization = {Spanish Government PID2019-109764RB-I00}, organization = {Junta de Andalucia B-HUM-459-UGR18}, organization = {University of Granada}, publisher = {Universidad de Murcia}, keywords = {Evaluative language}, keywords = {Offensive speech}, keywords = {Affective attitudes}, keywords = {Context-dependence}, keywords = {Expressive content}, keywords = {Lenguaje evaluativo}, keywords = {Discurso ofensivo}, keywords = {Actitudes afectivas}, keywords = {Contexto-dependencia}, keywords = {Contenido expresivo}, title = {Exactly, what do you mean?}, doi = {10.6018/daimon.482231}, author = {Almagro Holgado, Manuel and Villanueva Fernández, Alberto Neftalí}, }