@misc{10481/70728, year = {2021}, month = {7}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/70728}, abstract = {Recently, mineral healing clays have gained much attention for wound-dressing applications. Here, we selected halloysite (HAL) clay as a biocompatible, non-toxic material that is useful as a drug delivery system to enhance the healing properties of water-soluble terpenoids 1-3 (T1-3). Terpenoids-loaded HAL clay (TH1-3) was prepared and characterized by adsorption equilibrium studies, X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and release studies. The results reveal that T1-3 were adsorbed at the HAL surface with good efficiency. The prevalent mechanism of drug retention is due to the adsorption via electrostatic interactions between the cationic groups of the T1-3 and the HAL’s external surface. Release studies demonstrated that T3 was released in a higher percentage (>60%) compared to T1-2 ( 50%). Additionally, TH1-3 were assessed for their antimicrobial activity and capability to promote the re-epithelialization of scratched HaCat monolayers, through the time-kill test and the wound-healing assays, respectively. The results reveal that all the tested formulations were able to reduce the microbial growth after 1 h of incubation and that they ensured complete wound closure after 48 h. Furthermore, at the concentration of 1 g/mL, TH3 exhibited 45% wound closure at 24 h, compared to TH1 (27%) and TH2 (30%), proving to be the best candidate in making the tissue-repair process easier and faster.}, organization = {Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara) FAR 2020}, publisher = {MDPI}, keywords = {Clay}, keywords = {Halloysite}, keywords = {Skin regeneration}, keywords = {Terpenoids}, keywords = {Wound healing}, title = {In Vitro Wound-Healing Properties of Water-Soluble Terpenoids Loaded on Halloysite Clay}, doi = {10.3390/pharmaceutics13081117}, author = {Marinelli, Lisa and Borrego Sánchez, Ana María and García Villén, Fátima and Viseras Iborra, César Antonio}, }