@misc{10481/70674, year = {2021}, month = {8}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/70674}, abstract = {In this paper, we derive a variant of the classical Keller-Segel model of chemotaxis incorporating a growth term of logistic type for the cell population n(t,x), say nu n(1-n) with nu>0, and a nonstandard chemical production-degradation mechanism involving first- and second-order derivatives of the logarithm of the cell density, say f lambda ab(n,nx,nxx)=lambda n+anxxn+bnx2n2 with lambda,a,b is an element of R, via the (n,S)-hydrodynamical system associated with a modified Ginzburg-Landau equation governing the evolution of the complex wavefunction psi=neiS. In a chemotactic context, S(t,x) will play the role of the concentration of chemical substance. Then, after carrying out a detailed analysis of the modulational stability of uniform-in-space plane waves, dark soliton-shaped traveling wave densities of the former system are constructed from solitary wave solutions of the latter.}, organization = {Junta de Andalucia European Commission PY18-RT-2422 and AFQM-311-UGR18}, organization = {MINECO-Feder (Spain)}, publisher = {Wiley Online Library}, keywords = {Chemotaxis}, keywords = {Keller–Segel system}, keywords = {Modified complex Ginzburg– Landau equation}, keywords = {Modulational stability}, keywords = {Solitary wave}, keywords = {Solito}, title = {On nonstandard chemotactic dynamics with logistic growth induced by a modified complex Ginzburg–Landau equation}, doi = {10.1111/sapm.12440}, author = {López Fernández, José Luis and López Fernández, José Luis}, }