@misc{10481/70396, year = {2019}, month = {3}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/70396}, abstract = {We study the Daugavet property in tensor products of Banach spaces. We show that L1(μ)b "L1(ν) has the Daugavet property when μ and ν are purely non-atomic measures. Also, we show that Xb Y has the Daugavet property provided X and Y are L1-preduals with the Daugavet property, in particular spaces of continuous functions with this property. With the same tecniques, we also obtain consequences about roughness in projective tensor products as well as the Daugavet property of projective symmetric tensor products.}, organization = {MECD (Spain) FPU2016/00015}, organization = {Spanish Government PGC2018-093794-B-I00}, organization = {Junta de Andalucia A-FQM-484-UGR18 FQM-0185}, organization = {MINECO (Spain) MTM2016-76808-P MTM2016-75196-P MTM2017-88385-P}, organization = {Severo Ochoa Programme for Centres of Excellence in RD SEV-2015-0554}, organization = {QUITEMAD+-CM S2013/ICE-2801}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, keywords = {Daugavet property}, keywords = {Tensor product spaces}, keywords = {Octahedral norms}, title = {Daugavet property in tensor product spaces}, author = {Rueda Zoca, Abraham and Tradacete, Pedro and Villanueva, Ignacio}, }