@misc{10481/69617, year = {2020}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/69617}, abstract = {In the article titled “A new conformal FDTD for lossy thin1panels” by M. R. Cabelloet al., the appearance of spiky antiresonances2in the simulation of the shielding properties of lossy thin-shell spherical3cavities by FDTD was categorized as spurious solutions. In this article,4we briefly clarify this topic and show that these solutions are not5really spurious in the common interpretation of the term. Actually, they6correspond to physical solutions appearing due to lack of symmetry,7inherent to the staggered colocation nature of field components in FDTD.}, organization = {Spanish MINECO and EU FEDER (MINECO, Spain) under Project TEC2016-79214-C3-3-R}, organization = {COST Action under Grant IC1407 (ACCREDIT)}, organization = {EPSRC Studentship under Grant 1642594}, publisher = {IEEE}, keywords = {Finite-difference methods}, keywords = {Electromagnetic shielding}, keywords = {Resonance}, keywords = {Spurious solutions}, title = {Comments on “A New Conformal FDTD for Lossy Thin Panels”}, doi = {10.1109/TAP.2020.2976582}, author = {Ruiz-Cabello Núñez, Miguel David and González García, Salvador and Díaz Angulo, Luis Manuel and Martín Valverde, Antonio Jesús and Bourke, Samuel and Flintoft, Ian and Dawson, John}, }