@misc{10481/69509, year = {2021}, month = {4}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/69509}, abstract = {Let Mand Nbe complex unital Jordan-Banach algebras, and let M−1and N−1denote the sets of invertible elements in Mand N, respectively. Suppose that M ⊆M−1and N ⊆N−1are clopen subsets of M−1and N−1, respectively, which are closed for powers, inverses and products of the form Ua(b). In this paper we prove that for each surjective isometry Δ :M →Nthere exists a surjective real-linear isometry T0:M→Nand an element u0in the McCrimmon radical of Nsuch that Δ(a) =T0(a) +u0for all a ∈M. Assuming that Mand Nare unital JB∗-algebras we establish that for each surjective isometry Δ :M →Nthe element Δ(1) =uis a unitary element in Nand there exist a central projection p ∈Mand a complex-linear Jordan ∗-isomorphism Jfrom Monto the u∗-homotope Nu∗such that Δ(a) = J(p ◦ a) + J((1 − p) ◦ a ∗), for all a ∈M. Under the additional hypothesis that there is a unitary element ω0in Nsatisfying Uω0(Δ(1)) =1, we show the existence of a central projection p ∈Mand a complex-linear Jordan ∗-isomorphism Φfrom Monto Nsuch that Δ(a) = Uw∗ 0 (Φ(p ◦ a) + Φ((1 − p) ◦ a ∗)) , for all a ∈M.}, organization = {Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICINN)}, organization = {European Commission PGC2018-093332-B-I00}, organization = {Programa Operativo FEDER 2014-2020}, organization = {Junta de Andalucia A-FQM-242-UGR18}, organization = {Junta de Andalucia FQM375}, publisher = {Elsevier}, keywords = {(Real-linear) isometry}, keywords = {Jordan ∗-isomorphism}, keywords = {Invertible elements}, keywords = {Jordan-Banach algebra}, keywords = {JB∗-algebra}, keywords = {Extension of isometries}, title = {Surjective isometries between sets of invertible elements in unital Jordan-Banach algebras}, doi = {10.1016/j.jmaa.2021.125284}, author = {Peralta Pereira, Antonio Miguel}, }