@misc{10481/68438, year = {2021}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/68438}, abstract = {MamC-mediated biomimetic magnetic nanoparticles (BMNPs) have emerged as one of the most promising nanomaterials due to their magnetic features (superparamagnetic character and large magnetic moment per particle), their novel surface properties determined by MamC, their biocompatibility and their ability as magnetic hyperthermia agents. However, the current clinical application of magnetic hyperthermia is limited due to the fact that, in order to be able to reach an effective temperature at the target site, relatively high nanoparticle concentration, as well as high magnetic field strength and/or AC frequency are needed. In the present study, the potential of BMNPs to increase the temperature upon irradiation of a laser beam in the near infrared, at a wavelength at which tissues become partially transparent, is explored. Moreover, our results also demonstrate the synergy between photothermia and chemotherapy in terms of drug release and cytotoxicity, by using BMNPs functionalized with doxorubicin, and the effectiveness of this combination therapy against tumor cells in in vitro experiments. Therefore, the findings of the present study open the possibility of a novel, alternative approach to fight localized tumors.}, organization = {Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (CGL2016- 76723 and PID2019-109294RB-100 projects)}, organization = {Ramón y Cajal program (RYC-2014-16901)}, organization = {Junta de Andalucía. Programa Operativo FEDER 2014–2020. (A1-FQM-341-UGR18, C-FQM-497-UGR18, A-BIO376-UGR18).}, organization = {Andalusian regional government (CTS-236)}, organization = {Formación de Doctores 2018 grant (ref. PRE2018-085440) from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Spain)}, organization = {Unidad Cientifica de Excelencia UCE-PP2016-05}, organization = {Instituto de Biotecnología of the University of Granada}, publisher = {MDPI}, keywords = {Biomimetic magnetic nanoparticles}, keywords = {Combined tumor therapy}, keywords = {Doxorubicin}, keywords = {HepG2 cancer cell line}, keywords = {MamC}, keywords = {Magnetite nanoparticles}, keywords = {Photothermia}, title = {Synergistic Photothermal-Chemotherapy Based on the Use of Biomimetic Magnetic Nanoparticles}, doi = {10.3390/pharmaceutics13050625}, author = {Jabalera Ruz, Ylenia María and Sola Leyva, Alberto and Carrasco Jiménez, María Paz and Iglesias Salto, Guillermo Ramón and Jiménez López, Concepción}, }