@misc{10481/67553, year = {2010}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/67553}, abstract = {The dating by C14 (AMS) of a number of short-lived samples allowed us to attribute a precise chronology to Early and Middle Neolithic sedimentary series got at the site of Los Castillejos during recent excavations (1991-1994). This has chronostratrigraphic and archaeographic implications that will be addressed in future researches. The results of the technical and typological analysis of sample of flaked artifacts recovered in the sedimentary units that comprise this series, which we present below, can be considered as a reference for such analyses because of their statistical and chronological representativeness.}, organization = {Proyectos de investigación Producción lítica especializada durante la Prehistoria Reciente de la Península Ibérica (HUM2006-13635) y Cronología de la consolidación del sedentarismo y la desigualdad social en el Alto Guadalquivir (HAR2008-04577/HIST).}, publisher = {Universidade do Algarve}, keywords = {Neolítico Antiguo}, keywords = {Early Neolithic}, keywords = {Flint Knapping}, keywords = {Talla del sílex}, keywords = {Núcleos calentados}, keywords = {Heated cores}, keywords = {Talla a presión}, keywords = {Pressure Knapping}, keywords = {Andalucía}, keywords = {Andalusia}, title = {Contextualización cronológica y análisis tecnotipológico de los artefactos tallados del Neolítico Antiguo de Los Castillejos (Montefrío, Granada)}, author = {Martínez Fernández, Gabriel and Afonso Marrero, José Andrés and Cámara Serrano, Juan Antonio and Molina González, Fernando}, }