@misc{10481/6734, year = {1983}, month = {11}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/6734}, abstract = {Es constatable el hecho de la revitalización de las fiestas de Semana Santa. El análisis trata de buscar las claves de ese hecho, que es multidimensional y complejo. Se establece una hipótesis psico-sociológica. El ritual cumple una función social, referente a la pertenencia al grupo y a la lucha por el poder. Cumple además una función simbólica. En ambos aspectos se da un peligro de manipulación política y religiosa.}, abstract = {There has been a marked revival of Easter festivities in Andalusia. This analysis examines the key points of this revival, which is multidimensional and complex. A psico-sociological hypothesis is established. The ritual fulfills a social function, particularly with respect to the importance of the group and the struggle for power. It also has has a symbolic function. In both aspects there is a risk of political and religious manipulation.}, organization = {Grupo de Investigación Antropología y Filosofía (SEJ-126). Universidad de Granada}, publisher = {Pedro Gómez}, keywords = {Semana Santa}, keywords = {Fiestas}, keywords = {Pertenencia}, keywords = {Poder}, keywords = {Religión}, keywords = {Easter}, keywords = {Celebrations}, keywords = {Membership}, keywords = {Power}, keywords = {Religion}, title = {La Semana Santa andaluza}, doi = {10.30827/Digibug.6734}, author = {Briones Gómez, Rafael}, }