@misc{10481/67249, year = {2019}, month = {10}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/67249}, abstract = {A systematic study of (smooth, strong) cone structures C and Lorentz–Finsler metrics L is carried out. As a link between both notions, cone triples (Ω,T,F), where Ω (resp. T) is a 1-form (resp. vector field) with Ω(T)≡1 and F, a Finsler metric on ker(Ω), are introduced. Explicit descriptions of all the Finsler spacetimes are given, paying special attention to stationary and static ones, as well as to issues related to differentiability. In particular, cone structures C are bijectively associated with classes of anisotropically conformal metrics L, and the notion of cone geodesic is introduced consistently with both structures. As a non-relativistic application, the time-dependent Zermelo navigation problem is posed rigorously, and its general solution is provided.}, organization = {MINECO/FEDER project, Spain MTM2015-65430-P}, organization = {Fundacion Seneca 19901/GERM/15}, organization = {Spanish MINECO/ERDF project MTM2016-78807-C2-1-P}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, keywords = {Finsler spacetime}, keywords = {Lorentz-Finsler metrics and norms}, keywords = {Cone structure}, keywords = {Static and stationary spacetimes}, keywords = {Zermelo navigation problem}, keywords = {Generalized Fermat principle}, title = {On the definition and examples of cones and finsler spacetimes}, doi = {10.1007/s13398-019-00736-y}, author = {Javaloyes, Miguel Ángel and Sánchez Caja, Miguel}, }