@misc{10481/67246, year = {2020}, month = {11}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/67246}, abstract = {English Noun+Noun compounding has garnered the attention of morphologists due to characteristics that involve its semantics (Bauer & Tarasova, 2010; Jackendoff, 2009), degree of productivity (Bauer, Beliaeva, & Tarasova, 2019; Maguire, Wisniewski, & Storms, 2010) and possible paradigmatic nature (Bagasheva, in press; Boyé & Schalchli, 2016). This article addresses the above questions from an inclusive perspective with the aim bringing together various unsolved issues in the study of this morphological process. The experiment exploits data from the BNC Sampler and the Oxford English Dictionary, from which morphological and semantic information is extracted in order to fathom the contribution of nominal root compounding to the lexicon. The results show that the paradigmatic nature, semantics and high productivity of NN compounding are all closely interrelated, which explains certain characteristics associated to the current status of this process and its role in the enrichment of the lexicon.}, organization = {Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (proyecto FFI2017-89665-P)}, keywords = {Compounding}, keywords = {Corpus-based}, keywords = {Derivational paradigms}, keywords = {Modifiers}, keywords = {Productivity}, keywords = {Semantics}, keywords = {Word-formation paradigms}, title = {Remarks on the semantics and paradigmaticity of NN compounds}, doi = {doi.org/10.1075/ml.00015.fer}, author = {Fernández Domínguez, Jesús}, }