@misc{10481/66930, year = {2020}, month = {11}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/66930}, abstract = {En esta investigación se presenta un estudio de los principales rasgos fonéticos de una muestra de 50 cantaores y cantaoras de flamenco nacidos entre 1876 y 1950. Con el análisis de sus rasgos queremos comprobar si, como se ha dicho en otros estudios sobre la fonética del flamenco, estos artistas usan generalmente sonidos de las hablas andaluzas. Si lo hacen, queremos conocer qué variantes lingüísticas seleccionan según la procedencia geográfica de los cantaores, y si existen algunos fenómenos que, a partir de esta época, se generalizan como representativos del cante.}, abstract = {This research presents a study of the main phonetic features of a sample of 50 flamenco cantaores and cantaoras were born between 1876 and 1950. With the analysis of their features we want to check if, as it has been said in other studies about the flamenco phonetics, these artists generally use sounds of the Andalusian speech. If they do, we want to know which linguistic variants they select and if this selection is influenced by geographical origin of cantaores. Also, we want to know if there are some phenomena that, from this period onwards, are generalized as representative of cante.}, publisher = {Universidad Jaume I}, keywords = {Fonética}, keywords = {Sociolingüística}, keywords = {Cante flamenco}, keywords = {Cante tradicional}, keywords = {Andaluz}, keywords = {Phonetic}, keywords = {Sociolinguistics}, keywords = {Flamenco}, keywords = {Traditional cante}, keywords = {Andalusian}, title = {Los sonidos del flamenco: análisis fonético de “los orígenes” del cante}, doi = {10.6035/clr.2020.24.3}, author = {Fernández de Molina Ortés, Elena}, }