@misc{10481/66908, year = {2021}, month = {1}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/66908}, abstract = {Personal contacts drive COVID-19 infections. After being closed (23 March 2020) UK primary schools partially re-opened on 1 June 2020 with social distancing and new risk mitigation strategies. We conducted a structured expert elicitation of teachers to quantify primary school contact patterns and how contact rates changed upon re-opening with risk mitigation measures in place. These rates, with uncertainties, were determined using a performance-based algorithm. We report mean number of contacts per day for four cohorts within schools, with associated 90% confidence ranges. Prior to lockdown, younger children (Reception and Year 1) made 15 contacts per day [range 8.35] within school, older children (Year 6) 18 contacts [range 5.55], teaching staff 25 contacts [range 4.55] and non-classroom staff 11 contacts [range 2.27]. After re-opening, the mean number of contacts was reduced by 53% for young children, 62% for older children, 60% for classroom staff and 64% for other staff. Contacts between teaching and non-teaching staff reduced by 80%. The distributions of contacts per person are asymmetric with heavy tail reflecting a few individuals with high contact numbers. Questions on risk mitigation and supplementary structured interviews elucidated how new measures reduced daily contacts in-school and contribute to infection risk reduction.}, organization = {Royal Society education policy unit}, organization = {RAMP initiative for COVID-19}, organization = {UK Research & Innovation (UKRI) Medical Research Council UK (MRC) MR/V038613/1 MC-PC-19067}, publisher = {The Royal Society Publishing}, keywords = {Schools}, keywords = {COVID-19}, keywords = {Expert judgement}, keywords = {Transmission}, title = {A novel approach for evaluating contact patterns and risk mitigation strategies for COVID-19 in English primary schools with application of structured expert judgement}, doi = {10.1098/rsos.201566}, author = {Sparks, R. S. J. and Scarrow, Jane Hannah}, }