@misc{10481/66695, year = {2021}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/66695}, abstract = {Background Early life environment has shown to have an impact on future physical health outcomes, which is known as early life programming, and it may also influence brain health later in life. Purpose The present doctoral thesis aimed to study the association of early life factors, including indicators of the prenatal period (i.e., birth weight and birth length) and breastfeeding practices, with brain health in overweight/obese children, and its implication in academic performance. Specifically, this doctoral thesis investigated the association of early life factors with gray matter volumes (Study 1), white matter microstructure (Study 2), structural brain networks (Study 3), and resting state functional connectivity of hippocampus (Study 4). Overall conclusion Early life factors are associated with brain structure and function in overweight/obese children, although its implications on academic performance are not observed in this thesis. The results of the present doctoral thesis expand the understanding of the early life programming on brain health in children with overweight/obesity.}, abstract = {Antecedentes El ambiente en el que se desarrollan las primeras etapas de la vida, ha demostrado estar relacionado con parámetros de salud física en el futuro, lo que se conoce como programación temprana, podría también influir en la salud del cerebro más adelante en la vida. Objetivos La presente tesis doctoral internacional tiene como objetivo estudiar la asociación de los factores de la vida temprana, incluyendo indicadores del periodo prenatal (como el peso y la longitud al nacer) y la lactancia materna con la salud cerebral en niños con sobrepeso/obesidad. Específicamente, esta tesis doctoral investiga la asociación de los factores de la vida temprana con el volumen de materia gris (Estudio 1); con la microestructura de materia blanca (Estudio 2); con las redes estructurales cerebrales (Estudio 3) y con la conectividad funcional en reposo del hipocampo (Estudio 4). Conclusión general Los factores de la vida temprana fueron asociados con la estructura y función cerebral en niños con sobrepeso/obesidad, pero no se encontraron consecuencias sobre su rendimiento académico. Los resultados de la presente tesis doctoral amplían el entendimiento de la influencia de la primera etapa de la vida sobre la salud cerebral en niños con sobrepeso/obesidad.}, organization = {Tesis Univ. Granada.}, organization = {Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) (DEP-2013-47540, DEP2016-79512-R, DEP2017- 91544-EXP, BES-2014-068829, FJCI-2014- 19563, IJCI-2017-33642, and RYC- 2011-09011)}, organization = {Spanish Ministry of Education (FPU 14/06837, FPU 15/02645, and FPU 16/02760)}, organization = {University of Granada, Plan Propio de Investigación 2016, Excellence actions: Units of Excellence, Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES). Visiting Scholar}, organization = {Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, Grant/ Award Number: 667302}, organization = {Junta de Andalucía, Conserjería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidades and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (SOMM17/6107/UGR)}, organization = {Redes temáticas de investigación cooperativa RETIC (SAMID III) European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (RD16/0022)}, organization = {EXERNET Research Network on Exercise and Health in Special Populations (DEP2005- 00046/ACTI)}, organization = {Additional funding was obtained from the Andalusian Operational Programme supported with European Regional Development Funds (ERDF in English, FEDER in Spanish, project ref: B-CTS-355-UGR18)}, organization = {Grant from Becas Chile program of the national agency of research and development (Agencia nacional de investigación y desarrollo, ANID) of Chile, number 72180543}, publisher = {Universidad de Granada}, keywords = {Salud}, keywords = {Childhood obesity}, keywords = {Obesidad infantil}, keywords = {Health}, title = {Early life factors and brain health in childhood: The ActiveBrains project}, author = {Solis-Urra, Patricio}, }