@misc{10481/65556, year = {2020}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/65556}, abstract = {Durante la centuria posterior al triunfo castellano frente al emirato nazarí, la Guerra de Granada continuó ocupando un papel importante en las diversas fuentes historiográficas compuestas en territorio peninsular. A lo largo de este periodo, fueron varios los cronistas que realizaron nuevas narraciones de esta disputa, algunas de ellas de marcado carácter partidista, que vinieron a complementar la información de las anteriores obras del periodo bajomedieval. Tales relatos ayudaron a consolidar aquella retórica de perspectiva imperialista, que pretendía resaltar el nuevo papel de la monarquía hispana en el panorama europeo. Este artículo pretende realizar un recorrido por las más importantes de todas ellas, incidiendo en la lectura que cada uno de estos autores realizó de la definitiva victoria de los Reyes Católicos frente al último reino musulmán de la Península Ibérica.}, abstract = {During the century after the Castilian triumph against the Nasrid emirate, the War of Granada continued to occupy an important role in the various historiographic sources composed in the peninsular territory. Throughout this period, there were several chroniclers who made new narrations of this dispute, some of them with a marked partisan character, which came to complement the information of the previous works of the late medieval period. Such stories helped to consolidate that rhetoric of imperialist perspective, which aimed to highlight the new role of the Spanish monarchy in the European panorama. This article intends to carry out a tour of the most important of all of them, focusing on the reading that each of these authors made of the final victory of the Catholic Monarchs against the last Muslim kingdom of the Iberian Peninsula.}, publisher = {Universidad de Granada}, keywords = {Guerra de Granada}, keywords = {Reyes Católicos}, keywords = {Historiografía moderna}, keywords = {Reconquista}, keywords = {War of Granada}, keywords = {Catholic Kings}, keywords = {Moderm Historiography}, keywords = {Reconquest}, title = {El recuerdo de la Guerra de Granada (1482-1492) en la cronística peninsular del siglo XVI}, doi = {10.30827/cnova.v0i46.7202}, author = {Tinoco Díaz, Fernando J.}, }