@misc{10481/64925, year = {2015}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/64925}, abstract = {The majority of businesses in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector face decision-making problems on a daily basis. Most of these problems are based on contexts of uncertainty, where decisions are founded on qualitative information which may be imprecise or perception-based. In these cases, the information which is expressed by experts and users of evaluated services can be treated using processes of computing with words (CW). In this paper, we present a hybrid decision-making model especially designed for the ICT sector whereby the experts have the support of an intelligent system which provides information about the opinions of users related to those problems which are to be analysed. These opinions are obtained by using different mechanisms and techniques when users conduct business with the service provider. In addition, we employ a procedure for obtaining consensus between experts which enriches and strengthens the decision-making process.}, organization = {European Union (EU) TIN2012-38600 TIN2013-40658-P}, organization = {Andalusian Government TIC-5991}, publisher = {VILNIUS GEDIMINAS TECH UNIV}, keywords = {Information and communications technology (ICT)}, keywords = {Multicriteria decision-making}, keywords = {2-tuple linguistic computational model}, keywords = {Computing with words}, title = {A hybrid model for decision-making in the information and communications technology sector}, doi = {10.3846/20294913.2015.1056281}, author = {Cid López, Andrés and Hornos Barranco, Miguel Juan and Herrera Viedma, Enrique}, }