@misc{10481/64746, year = {2010}, month = {9}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/64746}, abstract = {Un debate abierto en educación matemática estudia qué relación existe entre visualización y talento matemático. En este artículo describimos una experiencia con alumnos con talento matemático, encaminada a observar la visualización durante la realización de actividades geométricas y a analizar algunas de las dimensiones de la visualización que ponen en juego este tipo de alumnos. The relationship between visualization and mathematical gifted is an open discussion in mathematical education. This article describes an experience with mathematically gifted students. It was designed to observe the visualization during geometry tasks and to analyse some visualization´s dimensions that this kind of students showed.}, abstract = {The relationship between visualization and mathematical gifted is an open discussion in mathematical education. This article describes an experience with mathematically gifted students. It was designed to observe the visualization during geometry tasks and to analyse some visualization´s dimensions that this kind of students showed}, keywords = {Visualización}, keywords = {Talento matemático}, keywords = {Enriquecimiento curricular}, keywords = {Isometrías}, keywords = {Visualization}, keywords = {Mathematically gifted}, keywords = {Curriculum enrichment}, keywords = {Isometries}, title = {Visualización y talento matemático: una experiencia docente}, author = {Ramírez Uclés, Rafael and Flores Martínez, Pablo and Castro Martínez, Enrique}, }