@misc{10481/64402, year = {2020}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/64402}, abstract = {Despite the fact that some renewable energy (RE) technologies are already techno-economically viable, the high spatial dilution nature of their sources, together with aspects beyond the techno-economic ones (such as environmental, social, cultural, and other aspects), can become strong constraints and barriers when it comes to their integration into electric systems. Therefore, with the objective of determining whether studies on spatial energy planning (SEP) are addressing these issues, a systematic review has been carried out to address whether SEP studies are considering aspects beyond the techno-economic ones when integrating RE technologies and, if they are being considered, how they are addressed in their analyses and what criteria, factors, and indicators of the aspects that are employed. Apart from the revelation that the concept of SEP has been included within high-quality scientific literature for less than ten years, SEP seems to be an unexploited tool with the potential to provide significant insight into a planning process that could prevent conflicts when integrating RE technologies into electric systems. This would be useful for decision-makers and for accelerating a sustainable energy transition.}, organization = {Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and State Research Agency of Spain}, organization = {European Union (EU) CSO2017-86975-R}, publisher = {MDPI}, keywords = {Renewable energies}, keywords = {Energy planning}, keywords = {Planning tool}, keywords = {Sustainability}, keywords = {Environmental}, keywords = {Social}, keywords = {Decision-makers}, keywords = {Sustainable energy transition}, title = {Spatial Energy Planning: A Review}, doi = {10.3390/en13205379}, author = {Osorio Aravena, Juan Carlos and Frolova Ignatieva, Marina and Terrados Cepeda, Julio and Muñoz Cerón, Emilio}, }