@misc{10481/64398, year = {2020}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/64398}, abstract = {The experimental determination of the relative biological effectiveness of thermal neutron factors is fundamental in Boron Neutron Capture Therapy. The present values have been obtained while using mixed beams that consist of both neutrons and photons of various energies. A common weighting factor has been used for both thermal and fast neutron doses, although such an approach has been questioned. At the nuclear reactor of the Institut Laue-Langevin a pure low-energy neutron beam has been used to determine thermal neutron relative biological effectiveness factors. Different cancer cell lines, which correspond to glioblastoma, melanoma, and head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, and non-tumor cell lines (lung fibroblast and embryonic kidney), have been irradiated while using an experimental arrangement designed to minimize neutron-induced secondary gamma radiation. Additionally, the cells were irradiated with photons at a medical linear accelerator, providing reference data for comparison with that from neutron irradiation. The survival and proliferation were studied after irradiation, yielding the Relative Biological Effectiveness that corresponds to the damage of thermal neutrons for the different tissue types.}, organization = {Asociacion Espanola Contra el Cancer (AECC) PS16163811PORR}, organization = {Spanish MINECO FIS2015-69941-C2-1-P}, organization = {Junta de Andalucia P11-FQM-8229}, organization = {Campus of International Excellence BioTic P-BS-64}, organization = {University of Granada Chair Neutrons for Medicine: the Spanish Fundacion ACS}, organization = {Asociacion Capitan Antonio}, organization = {Fundacion ACS}, organization = {La Kuadrilla de Iznalloz}, organization = {Sonriendo Se Puede Ganar}, publisher = {MDPI}, keywords = {Boron Neutron Capture Therapy}, keywords = {Relative biological effectiveness}, keywords = {Thermal neutrons}, title = {Thermal Neutron Relative Biological Effectiveness Factors for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy from In Vitro Irradiations}, doi = {10.3390/cells9102144}, author = {Pedrosa-Rivera, María and Praena Rodríguez, Antonio Javier and Porras Sánchez, José Ignacio and Sabariego Quintanilla, Manuel and Álvarez, Patricia and Ruiz Ruiz, María Carmen and Ruiz Magaña, María José}, }