@misc{10481/63027, year = {2015}, month = {1}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/63027}, abstract = {A search for the b¯b decay of the Standard Model Higgs boson is performed with the ATLAS experiment using the full dataset recorded at the LHC in Run 1. The integrated luminosities used are 4.7 and 20.3 fb−1 from pp collisions at √s = 7 and 8 TeV, respectively. The processes considered are associated (W/Z)H production, where W → eν/µν, Z → ee/µµ and Z → νν. The observed (expected) deviation from the backgroundonly hypothesis corresponds to a significance of 1.4 (2.6) standard deviations and the ratio of the measured signal yield to the Standard Model expectation is found to be µ = 0.52 ± 0.32 (stat.) ± 0.24 (syst.) for a Higgs boson mass of 125.36 GeV. The analysis procedure is validated by a measurement of the yield of (W/Z)Z production with Z → b¯b in the same final states as for the Higgs boson search, from which the ratio of the observed signal yield to the Standard Model expectation is found to be 0.74 ± 0.09 (stat.) ± 0.14 (syst.).}, organization = {ANPCyT}, organization = {YerPhI, Armenia}, organization = {Australian Research Council}, organization = {BMWFW, Austria}, organization = {Austrian Science Fund (FWF)}, organization = {Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS)}, organization = {SSTC, Belarus}, organization = {National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)}, organization = {Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)}, organization = {Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada}, organization = {NRC, Canada}, organization = {Canada Foundation for Innovation}, organization = {CERN}, organization = {Comision Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica (CONICYT)}, organization = {Chinese Academy of Sciences}, organization = {Ministry of Science and Technology, China}, organization = {National Natural Science Foundation of China}, organization = {Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion Colciencias}, organization = {Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports - Czech Republic Czech Republic Government}, organization = {DNRF, Denmark}, organization = {Danish Natural Science Research Council}, organization = {Lundbeckfonden}, organization = {European Union (EU)}, organization = {European Union (EU) European Research Council (ERC)}, organization = {Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)}, organization = {CEA-DSM/IRFU, France}, organization = {GNSF, Georgia}, organization = {Federal Ministry of Education & Research (BMBF)}, organization = {German Research Foundation (DFG)}, organization = {HGF, Germany}, organization = {Max Planck Society}, organization = {Alexander von Humboldt Foundation}, organization = {Greek Ministry of Development-GSRT}, organization = {NSRF, Greece}, organization = {Israel Science Foundation}, organization = {MINERVA, Israel}, organization = {German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development}, organization = {I-CORE, Israel}, organization = {Benoziyo Center, Israel}, organization = {Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN)}, organization = {Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan (MEXT) Japan Society for the Promotion of Science}, organization = {CNRST, Morocco}, organization = {FOM (The Netherlands) Netherlands Government}, organization = {Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) Netherlands Government}, organization = {BRF, Norway}, organization = {RCN, Norway}, organization = {Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland}, organization = {NCN, Poland}, organization = {GRICES, Portugal}, organization = {Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology}, organization = {MNE/IFA, Romania}, organization = {Russian Federation}, organization = {JINR}, organization = {MSTD, Serbia}, organization = {MSSR, Slovakia}, organization = {Slovenian Research Agency - Slovenia}, organization = {MIZS, Slovenia}, organization = {DST/NRF, South Africa}, organization = {MINECO, Spain}, organization = {SRC, Sweden}, organization = {Wallenberg Foundation, Sweden}, organization = {SER, Switzerland}, organization = {Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)}, organization = {Cantons of Bern and Geneva, Switzerland}, organization = {National Science Council of Taiwan}, organization = {Ministry of Energy & Natural Resources - Turkey}, organization = {Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC)}, organization = {Royal Society of London}, organization = {Leverhulme Trust}, organization = {United States Department of Energy (DOE)}, organization = {National Science Foundation (NSF)}, organization = {Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC) ST/L000970/1 ATLAS Upgrades ST/K001310/1 ATLAS Upgrades PP/E000444/1 GRIDPP ST/J004928/1 ST/K001426/1 ATLAS ST/M000664/1 ST/M001407/1 ST/L001209/1 ATLAS Upgrades ST/K001418/1 ST/J005576/1 ST/J00474X/1 ATLAS Upgrades ST/G502320/1 1521422 1366825 ST/K001302/1 ST/K000705/1 ST/I005803/1 1366364 ST/J004944/1 ST/L001179/1 ATLAS Upgrade ST/M001733/1 ST/I006056/1 ATLAS Upgrade ST/I006080/1 ST/L003112/1 ST/I006056/1 ATLAS Upgrades ST/K001248/1 ST/M004821/1 GRIDPP 1201187 ST/I000186/1 ST/L001179/1 PP/E003087/1 ST/I006056/1 ST/J00474X/1 ST/I00372X/1 ATLAS PP/E000355/1 ST/K001264/1 ATLAS ST/I000178/1 ST/K003658/1 GRIDPP ST/L000970/1 ATLAS Upgrade ST/L003325/1 ST/N000331/1 ST/L001179/1 ATLAS Upgrades ST/M001504/1 ST/H00100X/1 ST/I00372X/1 GRIDPP 1093272 1575161 PP/E002846/1 ST/H00100X/2 ST/L001195/1 ST/L006464/1 ST/M002306/1 ATLAS Upgrades ST/M006980/1 ST/M503575/1 ST/J004928/1 ATLAS Upgrade PP/D002915/1 ST/K003658/1 ST/J005525/1 ST/J004928/1 ATLAS Upgrades ST/M006980/1 ATLAS Upgrades ST/K001388/1 ST/J501074/1 ST/I005803/1 GRIDPP ST/L000970/1 ST/K001329/1 ST/K001310/1 ST/M004821/1 ST/N000307/1 ST/M007103/1 ATLAS Upgrades ST/M003213/1 ST/K001310/1 ATLAS ST/M002306/1 ST/L003414/1 ST/K001310/1 LHCb Upgrades ST/G50228X/1 ST/L006480/1 ST/K50208X/1 ST/K00137X/1 ST/J005487/1 1082012 ST/M001474/1 ST/K001310/1 LHCb ST/M002071/1 ATLAS Upgrades}, organization = {ICREA}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, keywords = {Hadron-Hadron scattering}, title = {Search for the bb¯¯ decay of the Standard Model Higgs boson in associated (W/Z)H production with the ATLAS detector}, doi = {10.1007/JHEP01(2015)069}, author = {Aad, G. and Aguilar Saavedra, Juan Antonio and Atlas Collaboration}, }