@misc{10481/62863, year = {2020}, month = {4}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/62863}, abstract = {Objetivo: La excreción de fosfato en orina de 24-horas (24-h UPE) es considerado el gold-standard para valorar la ingesta de fosfato. El empleo de la ratio fósforo/creatinina (Pi/Cr) en primera orina de la mañana como sustituto de la 24-h UPE es controvertido. El objetivo de este estudio es valorar la utilidad de la ratio Pi/Cr en muestras de orina de distintos períodos del día en la estimación de la 24-h UPE. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal sobre 21 sujetos sanos con función renal normal. Los sujetos realizaron un registro dietético durante tres días. El tercer día recogieron de forma fraccionada la orina de 24-horas. Además, se analizaron muestras sanguíneas. Se emplearon correlaciones de Spearman y el método de Bland-Altman para valorar la concordancia entre los distintos métodos de medir la excreción urinaria de fosfato. Resultados: La ingesta, la 24-h UPE y la ratio Pi/Cr variaron durante el día (p<0.001). No observamos correlación significativa entre la ingesta de fosfato y la 24-h UPE (p=0.858). La ratio Pi/Cr en primera orina de la mañana fue similar a la de la noche (p=0.99). La primera orina de la mañana (-3.9%) y de la noche (1.6%) mostraron el mejor grado de concordancia con la 24-h UPE. Conclusiones: No observamos correlación entre la ingesta de fosfato y su excreción urinaria. La ratio Pi/ Cr recogida en primera orina de la mañana o durante la noche podrían sustituir a la recogida de orina de 24-horas en la estimación de la 24-h UPE.}, abstract = {Background: 24-hour urinary phosphate excretion (24-h UPE) is considered by many the gold-standard method to assess phosphate intake. Although phosphorus to creatinine ratio (Pi/Cr) has been proposed as surrogate of 24-h UPE, further validation is required. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the usefulness of Pi/Cr ratio at different day timing and spot urine samples throughout the day in the estimation of 24-h UPE. Methods: We performed a cross-sectional study in 21 healthy individuals with normal renal function. They were prompted to record dietary intake during three days. On the third day, they collected 24-hour urine. Blood samples were drawn the day after completion of urine collection. Spearman’s correlation test and the Bland-Altman method were used to evaluate agreement between different methods. Results: Phosphate intake, 24-h UPE and Pi/Cr ratio widely varied throughout the day (p<0.001). No significant correlation was observed between phosphate intake and 24-h UPE (p=0.858). Pi/Cr ratio in first morning urine was similar to the night urine collection (0.80±0.2 and 0.73±0.2 respectively; p=0.99). The lowest proportional dispersion observed using the Bland-Altman test were in the first morning urine void (-3.9%) and night urine spot (1.6%). Conclusion: The calculated phosphate intake and urinary phosphate excretion throughout the day are not correlated. Pi/Cr ratio in the first morning urine void and that collected during the night can be used interchangeably with 24-hour urine collection to estimate 24-h UPE.}, publisher = {Consejo Andaluz de Colegios de Médicos; Real Academia de Medicina y Cirugía de Andalucía Oriental; Real Academia de Medicina de Cádiz; Real Academia de Medicina de Sevilla}, keywords = {Fosfato}, keywords = {Ingesta de fosfato}, keywords = {Fosfato en orina}, keywords = {Ratio fósforo/creatinina}, keywords = {Phosphate}, keywords = {Phosphate intake}, keywords = {Urinary phosphate}, keywords = {Phosphorus to creatinine ratio}, title = {Variación de la fosfaturia en relación a la ingesta de fósforo}, doi = {10.15568/am.2020.809.or02}, author = {Fernández-Ruiz, L. and Rodelo Haad, C. and Rodríguez-Portillo, M. and Santamaría-Olmo, R.}, }