@misc{10481/62844, year = {2013}, month = {8}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/62844}, abstract = {The complex [Co(µ-L)(µ-OAc)Y(NO3)2], in which the Co(II) ion exhibits a D value of ~+45 cm-1 as determined by magnetic and inelastic neutron scattering experiments, exhibits slow magnetic relaxation and Single-Ion Magnet behaviour.}, organization = {MINECO (Spain) CTQ2011-24478}, organization = {Junta de Andalucía FQM-195 P08-FQM-03705}, organization = {University of Granada}, organization = {MINECO CTQ2011-23862-C02-01}, organization = {Generalitat de Catalunya 2009SGR-1459}, organization = {Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)}, organization = {Leverhulme Trust}, organization = {National Science Foundation (NSF) DMR 1157490}, organization = {United States Department of Energy (DOE)}, organization = {State of Florida}, organization = {Instituto de Salud Carlos III Spanish Government CTQ2010-15364 CSD2007-00010}, organization = {Generalitat Valenciana PROMETEO/2009/108}, organization = {ARN-PNANO project MolNanoSpin ANR-08-NANO-002}, organization = {European Research Council (ERC) 226558}, organization = {Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) EP/L010615/1}, publisher = {Wiley}, keywords = {Co(II)}, keywords = {Single ion magnet}, keywords = {Compartmental ligand}, keywords = {INS}, keywords = {Positive axial ZFS}, title = {Slow Magnetic Relaxation in a Co (II)–Y (III) Single‐Ion Magnet with Positive Axial Zero‐Field Splitting}, doi = {10.1002/anie.201304386}, author = {Colacio Rodríguez, Enrique}, }