@misc{10481/62783, year = {2020}, month = {6}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/62783}, abstract = {Las circunstancias sobre el nombramiento del príncipe de Santo Buono como virrey del Perú y el traslado de la corte virreinal dan inicio al presente trabajo. Ha sido también objeto de estudio la composición de los séquitos y otros servidores agregados que acompañaron a Santo Buono al Perú, así como el papel que cumplieron varios de sus deudos y criados en el gobierno virreinal. Sus acciones influyeron de manera destacada en el juicio de residencia del virrey.}, abstract = {The circumstances surrounding the appointment of the Prince of Santo Buono as Viceroy of Peru and the transfer of the viceregal court are the basis of this investigation. The composition of the entourages and other aggregate servants who accompanied Santo Buono to Peru, as well as the role played by several of his relatives and servants in the viceregal government, have also been studied. His actions had an outstanding influence on the the viceroy’s trial of residence.}, publisher = {Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas}, keywords = {Santo Buono}, keywords = {Perú}, keywords = {Corte Virreinal}, keywords = {Deudos}, keywords = {Criados}, keywords = {Juicio de Residencia}, keywords = {Viceregal Court}, keywords = {Relatives}, keywords = {Servants}, title = {El príncipe de Santo Buono, sus deudos y criados en el virreinato del Perú (1716-1720)}, doi = {10.3989/aeamer.2020.1.08}, author = {Gálvez Ruiz, María Ángeles}, }