@misc{10481/59273, year = {2019}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/59273}, abstract = {Annealing is widely used as a means of changing the physical properties of a material. The rate of heating and cooling used in the annealing process controls the final properties. Annealing can be used as a means of driving towards the, or at least a, thermodynamic minimum. There is surprisingly little information on annealing kinetically-trapped supramolecular gels. Here, we show that annealing multicomponent gels can be used to prepare materials with tunable mechanical properties. We show that annealing in a two-component gel leads to a self-sorted network, which has significantly different mechanical properties to the asprepared gels. Whilst the fibres are self-sorted, we show that the annealing of this system leads to significant change in the network level of assembly, and it is this that leads to the increase in storage modulus. We also show that it is possible to selectively anneal only a single component in the mixture}, organization = {AMFC thanks the University of Glasgow for funding. FPGF acknowledges an Erasmus traineeship. DJA thanks the EPSRC for a Fellowship (EP/L021978/1), which funded BD. MarvinSketch was used for naming chemical structures. This work benefitted from SasView software, originally developed by the DANSE project under NSF award DMR-0520547. SasView also contains code developed with funding from the EU Horizon 2020 programme under the SINE2020 project Grant No. 654000. The X-ray scattering apparatus was purchased under (EP/K035746/1).}, publisher = {Royal Society of Chemistry}, title = {Annealing multicomponent supramolecular gels}, doi = {10.1039/c8nr09423c}, author = {Fuentes Caparrós, Ana M. and Gómez Franco, Francisco de Paula}, }