@misc{10481/57414, year = {2019}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/57414}, abstract = {The modeling of the interactions of different forcing agents, such as wind and waves, and maritime structures is a challenging problem with significant applications in coastal engineering leading to a usual implementation of complex numerical models. However, at the predesign stages of a project, there is need for fast, efficient and accurate analytical models that allow the search of the optimal configurations according to different design criteria. Furthermore, the studies regarding structural optimization, analytical and experimental, often do not consider the effect of wind forcing on the incident and reflected swell wave trains and the interaction with local wind-driven waves due to the complexity of the nonlinear interactions taking place. By means of Monte Carlo techniques, a large number of simulations were performed and applied to the analytical model to analyze the long-term performance of the structure and the uncertainty associated with the analysis.}, abstract = {El modelado de las interacciones entre diferentes agentes climáticos, como el viento y el oleaje, con diferentes estructuras marítimas, es un desafío con aplicaciones muy importantes en ingeniería costera que normalmente conlleva el uso de modelos numéricos complejos. Sin embargo, en las etapas de prediseño de un proyecto, se necesitan modelos analíticos rápidos, eficientes y precisos que permitan la búsqueda de las configuraciones óptimas de acuerdo con diferentes criterios de diseño. Además, los estudios de interacción oleaje–estructura, analíticos y experimentales, a menudo no consideran el efecto del forzamiento del viento en el oleaje incidente y reflejado ni la interacción con mar de viento local debido a la complejidad de las interacciones no lineales de los procesos físicos. Mediante el uso de técnicas de Monte Carlo, se realizan una gran cantidad de simulaciones y se utilizan como condiciones de forzamiento al modelo analítico para analizar el rendimiento a largo plazo de la estructura y la incertidumbre asociada con el análisis.}, organization = {Tesis Univ. Granada.}, organization = {This thesis would have not been possible without the funding provided by the research group TEP-209 (Junta de Andalucía) and project AQUACLEW, part of ERA4CS, an ERA-NET initiative by JPI Climate co-funded by the European Union (Grant 690462). I wish to acknowledge the mobility grants given by the University of Granada PhD International Mobility Programme 2016/17, the Erasmus+ Programme KA1 (2017/18 – 2018/19) and the Campus of International Excellence of the Sea (CEIMAR).}, publisher = {Universidad de Granada}, keywords = {Hydrodynamics of swell and sea waves}, keywords = {Partially reflective structures}, keywords = {Different forcing agents}, keywords = {Structural optimization}, title = {Experimental and analytical study of the hydrodynamics of swell and sea waves with partially reflective structures}, author = {Lira Loarca, Andrea}, }