@misc{10481/55778, year = {2016}, month = {10}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/55778}, abstract = {A common way to implement a fuzzy database is on top of a classical Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS). Given that almost all RDBMS provide indexing mechanisms to enhance classical query processing performance, nding ways to use these mechanisms to enhance the performance of exible query processing is of enormous interest. This work proposes and evaluates a set of indexing strategies, implemented exclusively on top of classical RDBMS indexing structures, designed to improve exible query processing performance, focusing in the case of possibilities queries. Results show the best indexing strategies for di erent data a query scenarios, o ering e ective ways to implement fuzzy data indexes on top of a classical RDBMS.}, publisher = {International Journal of Intelligent Systems}, keywords = {Possibilistics query}, keywords = {Relational databases}, keywords = {Fuzzy databases}, keywords = {Database indexing}, keywords = {Fuzzy database indexing}, title = {Evaluation of indexing strategies for possibilistic queries based on indexing techniques available in traditional RDBMS}, doi = {10.1002/int.21820}, author = {Medina, Juan Miguel and Barranco, Carlos D. and Pons, Olga}, }