@misc{10481/5521, year = {2007}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/5521}, abstract = {In this paper we analyze different types and stages of the conjecturing process. A classification of conjectures is discussed. A variety of problems that could lead to conjectures are considered from the didactical point of view. Results from a number of research studies are used to identify and investigate a number of questions related to the theoretical background of conjecturing as well as practical implications in the learning process.}, publisher = {Faculty of Education, University of Windsor (Canada)}, keywords = {Conjeturas}, keywords = {Formulación de conjeturas}, keywords = {Generalización}, keywords = {Razonamiento inductivo}, keywords = {Inducción}, keywords = {Resolución de problemas}, title = {The conjecturing process: perspectives in theory and implications in practice}, author = {Cañadas Santiago, María Consuelo and Deulofeu, Jordi and Figueiras, Lourdes and Reid, David and Yevdokimov, Oleksiy}, }