@misc{10481/54383, year = {2018}, month = {10}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/54383}, abstract = {Science Communication, such as other fields of Social Sciences, is focusing its research subject on studying the digital public space created by the Internet in the last decades, and recently, by the named Web 2.0. On this matter, there is scientific evidence which identifies the Web as the second source for finding scientific information but, also being a resource for promoting the unidirectional communication between science and society, it is worth considering if the Internet is an effective platform to generate dialogue and to enhance public engagement in science. Even more, if we take into account that these aspects are mandatory in responsible research and innovation model. This question is behind to the evaluation tool designed and presented in this chapter. The evaluation tool presented here has been scientifically evaluated by a group of international experts in science communication, responsible research and innovation, science education, social media and science blogs using the Delphi method. In this way, we have identified 34 indicators structured under 7 criteria that can be used to collect data, analyse and conclude how the relationship between science and society is developing in the current digital space. With this methodology of evaluation, we will be able to study from the type of tools or mechanisms needed to engage citizens in science to the effectiveness of this engagement. The analysis framework proposed in the sections below is a first approximation to the emerging field public engagement through Web 2.0 tools. This analytical framework could be applied in different empiric works.}, publisher = {Universidad de Granada y Downhill Publishing}, title = {Criterios para la evaluación de la implicación del público en la ciencia a través de la Web 2.0}, author = {López-Pérez, Lourdes and Olvera Lobo, María Dolores}, }