@misc{10481/53997, year = {2018}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/53997}, abstract = {La locatio conductio en esta modalidad del arrendamiento de obra con suministro del material desde antiguo ha planteado la duda de si se trata de un arrendamiento o de una compra y venta. Para tratar de aclarar la cuestión tratamos de delimitar las diferencias entre locatio conductio Operis y locatio conductio operarum, destacando el distinto papel de los sujetos en ambos tipos de locatio, puesto que cambian las figuras de locator y conductor, garantizando éste la terminación del opus locatum, y no la mera puesta a disposición de sus servicios. Un análisis de las garantías y responsabilidades del conductor, así como de los textos clásicos ayudan a comprender la diferencia entre compra y venta o locatio conductio operis faciendi. El estudio concluye con el análisis del arrendamiento de obra en la Legislación actual civil y la jurisprudencia de este contrato}, abstract = {The locatio conductio in this mode of leasing with supply of materials has raised the question, in ancient times, of its conception as lease or sale. In order to clarify this issue we try to discern the differences between “locatio conductio operis” and “locatio conductio operarum”, emphasizing the different role the subjects play in both types of “locatio”, since the figures of locator and conductor chanche, ensuring the last one the termination of “opus locati on” and not the mere availability of its services. The analysis of warranties and liabilities of conductor as well as the classics help to understand the difference between purchase and sale or “locatio conductio operis faciendi”. This study concludes withthe inquiry of the works contracts in the current Civil Legislation and the case law.}, organization = {Asociacion Iberoamericana de Derecho Romano (AIDROM)}, publisher = {Actas XX CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL Y XXIII CONGRESO IBEROAMERICANO DERECHO ROMANO}, keywords = {Arredamiento}, keywords = {Locatio conductio Operis}, keywords = {Compra - venta}, keywords = {Periculum}, keywords = {Opus locatum}, keywords = {Locatio conductio operis}, keywords = {Lease}, keywords = {Buying-selling}, title = {SOBRE LOCATIO CONDUCTIO OPERIS EN SU MODALIDAD DE SUMINISTRO DE MATERIAL}, author = {Robles Velasco, Luis Mariano}, }