@misc{10481/53842, year = {2015}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/53842}, publisher = {Centro de Estudios Bizantinos, Neogriegos y Chipriotas}, keywords = {Grecia, Griego moderno, Literatura griega contemporánea, Novela, Novela griega, Novela infantil y juvenil, siglo XX, Yolanda Pateraki, Panagiota Papadopoulou, Patricia Sánchez Soto, María Zarco Gallardo, Centro de Estudios Bizantinos, Neogriegos y Chipriotas, Greece, Modern Greek, Greek Modern Literature, Novel, Children's literature, 20th century, Centre of Byzantine, Modern Greek and Cypriot Studies}, title = {Vilma, una chica muy especial}, author = {Pateraki, Yolanda}, }