@misc{10481/53745, year = {2014}, month = {6}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/53745}, abstract = {This article argues in favour of using digital storytelling to encourage a critical socio-educational focus in education and include multimodal explicit teaching in the curriculum. The analysis of fifty digital stories indicates that the students developed a certain awareness of the issue chosen for their story (e.g. violence, racism, war) since the final product transmits a critical perspective on the topic itself. Further work, however, needs to be invested in the development of the digital story content itself and on the issue of multimodal learning, with especial emphasis on the interface between multimodal elements and more traditional modes of transmitting ideas.}, abstract = {El estudio realizado confirma que el relato digital es una herramienta adecuada para favorecer un enfoque socio-educativo en la enseñanza, bien sea secundaria o a cualquier nivel, gracias a un amplio abanico de elementos multimedia (imágenes, música, videos, animaciones y su propia voz) que permiten expresar de forma multimodal el mensaje que se quiere transmitir. El análisis de cincuenta historias digitales indica que los estudiantes desarrollaron conciencia crítica. Sin embargo, fallan en la expresión multimodal: la mayoría de los relatos denotan una falta de coherencia entre los elementos multimodales y modos tradicionales de transmisión de ideas.}, publisher = {Universidad de Granada}, keywords = {Digital storytelling}, keywords = {Multimodality}, keywords = {Critical thinking}, keywords = {ICT}, keywords = {Narrativa digital}, keywords = {Multimodalidad}, keywords = {El pensamiento crítico}, keywords = {Las TIC}, title = {Digital Storytelling and Multimodal Literacy in Education}, doi = {10.30827/Digibug.53745}, author = {Gregori-Signes, Carmen}, }