@misc{10481/52389, year = {2018}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/52389}, organization = {Tesis Univ. Granada.}, organization = {Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Medicina Clínica y Salud Pública}, organization = {Grants from the German Research Foundation (MI 1146/2-1) and the Erich and Hanna Klessmann Foundation (Gütersloh, Ger- many). Histological, histochemical, immunohistochemical, real-time quanti- tative reverse transcription PCR, and mesenchymal stem cells differentiation studies were performed and supported by members of the Tissue Engineer- ing Group of the Department of Histology of the University of Granada, Spain (Drs Carriel, Alaminos, and Campos).}, publisher = {Universidad de Granada}, keywords = {Corazón}, keywords = {Enfermedades cardiovasculares}, keywords = {Proteínas}, title = {Desmina y miocardiopatía arritmogénica: descripción clínica y funcional de la variente PGlu401ASP en desmina como causa de miocardiopatía arritmogénica biventricular}, author = {Bermúdez Jiménez, Francisco José}, }