@misc{10481/51173, year = {2017}, month = {4}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/51173}, abstract = {We propose incorporating an ethnomathematical perspective in primary school teacher education to facilitate a meaningful contextualization for the tasks they develop. We consider a meaningful contextualization from an ethnomathematical standpoint to be one that respects the studied culture from an emic approach, rather than an etic approach. We observe that studying cultural characteristics (Moroccan dishes in the examples provided) used as context seems to favor a better understanding and relation to the mathematical concepts that show mathematical complexity of the designed tasks, as far as developing the different components of the corresponding mathematical sense (sense of measurement in the analyzed cases).}, organization = {Mathematics Education and Society}, publisher = {University of Thessaly Press}, keywords = {Contextualization}, keywords = {Mathematics}, keywords = {Task}, keywords = {Ethnomathematics}, title = {Development and contextualization of tasks from an ethnomathematical perspective}, author = {Albanese, Verónica and Adamuz-Povedano, Natividad and Bracho-López, Rafael}, }